ADT ADT Earnings Analysis

Revenue Analysis:

Total and Operating Revenue: ADT’s Total Revenue and Operating Revenue have seen fluctuations. In the latest quarter of 2024, the total revenue is approximately $1.209 billion, showing a decrease from the previous quarter of 2023, which was $1.222 billion. Going further back to 2023-09-30 and 2023-06-30, the revenue was higher at $1.237 billion and $1.593 billion, respectively.

Gross Profit Margins: The Gross Profit increased over the quarters. As of 2024-03-31, the Gross Profit stands at about $973 million compared to $993 million in 2023-12-31, showing a slight decrease, but there was significant growth from $1 billion in 2023-09-30 and further from $1.11 billion in 2023-06-30.

Cost Management:

Cost of Revenue: The Cost of Revenue was $236 million in the earliest period of 2023 and increased to $236 million in 2023-09-30 and further to $484 million in 2023-06-30, with a significant decrease observed in the recent quarters.

Operating Expense: Operating Expenses have gradually decreased, from $788 million in 2023-06-30 to $733 million in 2024-03-31.

Total Expenses: Total Expenses followed a similar trend, peaking at approximately $1.27 billion on 2023-06-30 and decreasing to $969 million by 2024-03-31.

Profitability Analysis:

EBITDA: EBITDA showed a rising trend from $357 million in 2023-03-31 to $590 million by 2024-03-31. However, there was variability, with a notable dip in the quarter ending 2023-09-30.

Operating Income: Operating Income has shown improvement over the periods, moving from a negative in earlier periods to $241 million in 2024-03-31.

Pretax Income: There has been recovery from a low of -$198 million in 2023-03-31 to $122 million by 2024-03-31.

Net Income Metrics: The Net Income showed improvements, particularly in 2023-12-31 with $576 million, potentially influenced by discontinuous operations.

Cash Flow Indicators:

Reconciled Depreciation: Reconciled Depreciation expenses have increased, indicative of higher asset depreciation over time, aligning with the company’s investments in capital assets.

Interest Expense: Interest Expenses were high, reflecting substantial debt levels, varying from $89 million to $171 million across the reviewed periods.


Tax Rate: The tax rate varied significantly, with a high of 37.33% in the first quarter of 2023 reducing to 25.1% by 2024-03-31.

Tax Provision: Tax Provisions were highly variable, which align with fluctuating pretax earnings and tax rates.

Tax Effect of Unusual Items: The tax effects of unusual items also reflected considerable variance, impacting the quarterly tax provisions differently.

Shareholder Metrics:

Diluted and Basic EPS: Earnings per share (EPS) demonstrated volatility, with negative values during some quarters due to losses and low positive values in others reflecting minimal profitability.

Average Shares: There were no significant changes in the numbers of average diluted or basic shares, remaining close to 900 million to 970 million over the periods.

Net Income Available to Common Stockholders: This followed the net income trend, peaking significantly in 2023-12-31.


The financial performance of ADT has shown improvement in some areas while facing challenges in others. Revenue appears stable, yet profitability metrics like net income and EPS have shown fluctuations possibly due to cost management, unusual items, and tax impacts. The company’s management of debt and related interest expense should be monitored closely. Strategic focus on improving operational efficiency and maintaining revenue growth could benefit shareholders.


Supporting data includes the financial figures and ratios derived from the earnings data for the provided periods.